

     This a web page that is designed to give us updates on how our fellow classmates are doing. Please add your current information and update on how you and your family is doing. It will be posted on this page . If you have any questions about what is planned please contact us.
9-28-15 It was great to see all of you that came to the reunion. We hope you all had a good time. Friday morning 12 classmates and family members met for golf. The golfers were Joe & Linda Silva, Harvey & Linda Heiny, Ron & Frances Baer, Melvin Crider, Richard Franco, Kent Pacheco, Tom & Jim Hogge and Ed Hefton. We met at Adobe Creek Golf Course and played 18 fun filled holes of golf. The pros are safe.
    Friday night about 30 of us got together at The Rock Grill at Tiara Rado Golf Course. There was a band playing in the background and everyone played "and who are you." We had and edge on the the classmates that met on Sat. We knew some of the people we were talking to
    Thanks to Roy Compton we had a truck and trailer to ride in the Fruita Fall Festival Parade. The trailer was filled with classmates to the point we had trouble getting everyone on the trailer. That's called class sprit.

   The picnic was at Colorado River State Park. There was around 60 people at the reunion picnic. Joe Silva was the MC and Larry Glenn(Linda Parish husband) gave the blessing. The food was great. After the meal Joe did the closing with Harvey Heiny doing awards, Ron Baer thanking the builders of the web site Joe thanking the reunion committee. To honor the classmates we have lost Joe read their names and 12 balloons were released.
The last event was group pictures.

   Thank you to all the classmates that worked on the reunion. Good job.
   We will be working on getting pictures of the Reunion to you as soon as possible. Please send your reunion pictures to Ron Baer. The address, email and phone number are in your class book.
Hope you all had a great time.